Project name | Author | Description | Web | Email |
Project page | +MaLaTTiA | A simple perl script, which should help webmasters who want to add an open "project page" inside their site. On the webpage, you will find a working version of the script, in case you want to test it... well don't mind this project too much, it is just to test the page! ;) | here | here |
Art of Asm ITALIAN TRANSLATION | Phobos+Tin_Man | Progetto di traduzione in italiano di The Art of Assembly Language. Controllate la homepage per vedere lo stato delle traduzioni. | here | here |
Traduzione corso di Crittografia | [aLT255] | Traduzione del corso di Crittografia di Randy Nicolson, presidente dell'American Criptogram Association (lo trovate nel mio sito alla sezione Utili). | here | here |
Crypto contest workshop | everyone of us / moderated by The Seeker | a living workshop/classroom for a crypto contest | here | here |
Traduzione dell'APJ Journal | Little-John | Tempo fa decisi di tradurre l'APJ perche' mi sembrava davvero interessante... Poi ho visto che sono piu' veloci loro a scrivere gli articoli che io a tradurli... Se non avete niente di meglio da fare e volete darmi una mano mailatemi. (Hey +Mala thx a lot for this page 8) | - | here |
BeOS Reversing | lenny | A few BeOS apps reversed & explained: NetPenguin 1.3,Resourcer 2.5,Artpaint 1.3 .It's basics for newbies (like me,eh) and it's just close to Linux stuff.It uses perl script to disassemble and HEX editor to patch.Check other parts of the site as well,includes MB,news sections,tools.Greetings +Ma,keep on the good stuff. | here | here |
ANO | +Ma | Another Non-working Offline forum reader (or, recursively, "ANO is Not Offline forum reader") is... a new offline forum reader! This program, written in Perl, lets you download forum messages from within your favorite mail client... and, believe it or not, it works ;) The project is in beta version now, download the executables and mail me if you're interested in porting/betatesting/helping in any way. | here | here |
EXE2ASM | kunka | Decompiling most of the networking utilities found in the windows directory, So to use their source code in our own appz. So far I have reconstructed and optimized Ping.asm ;) , If you have some knowledge in Winsock API's and reverse engineering in general, give me a hand. These utilities use plain C functions and few win32 APIs, plus little winsocks. | - | here |
Keygen Script | Steinowitz | KGS is a scripting language meant for writing KeyGen Scripts. | here | here |
Genocide | Genocide Team | A manga rpg | here | here |